Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Mac has landed!!!

Playing with Photoshop
At last... the big day has arrived.  The brown trip worn box showed up at the Post Office. I will need to get a new battery but everything else is working well.  Cs5 is up and running. Now I just have to move important files from the pc. There will be a bit of a learning curve I'm sure. With windows I always knew where to hunt for folders. On the mac I have to remember what I called it... sort of, or at least the day that I used that particular file and then it pops up.
Poor spouse... I think he must be getting tired of being my "photo subject". When I want to try a new technique I always snap a picture ready or not.
I'm going to go play with illustrator...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Snow Covered Boat at the Boat House
Thanksgiving morning and it's still white out. We are, however, on a warming trend they say. Well The Mac book is still eluding My Post Office. I will try again tomorrow.... then Saturday... then ..... Awwwwwwhhhh! I actually persuaded the spouse to check the box yesterday. I couldn't face the rejection.

Well on to other things like preparing the sweet potatoes....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh My God!!! ... I'm knitting cables

My first attempt at cables... was very intimidating but after a little frustration the light bulb seemed to begin to glow ever slightly.
Cable Knitting
I have discovered that my very slow "out in the woods" internet connection doesn't seem to bother me quite as much if I keep my knitting close by.
Today I will trudge through the frozen tundra to the Post Office to see if my mac book awaits me. This has been a real series of serious rejection issues. I almost shake when I put the key in hoping that this time the notice will be there.
Ahhhh ever the Optimist.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Snow is Upon Us

Snow on my fushia
This week started out with a cold bang. Snow and cold temperatures are keeping me from my day job so you'd think that I'd get a little more done on the business side of things. The Macbook Pro that I've been waiting for has finally showed up on the radar. Since I've moved and the shipping address inadvertently was the old one my much awaited package came into Olympia and then went back to Seattle to be redirected back to west Olympia. So close yet so far away. It's gone from California by way of Tennessee on a priority slow boat. They tell me it will be here tomorrow or in the next five days.
I'm really anxious to run Photoshop CS5 on a mac..
The Family Penn
Photo Shoot Sunday
I've now got Smug mug Pro which means I can more easily take care of business. It has a lot more printing options and is really customer friendly. I'm going to be adding some of my favorite links This is of course a work in progress...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Putting it all together

This is where I plan to "hang my hat" so to speak. I will post examples of my latest projects and share some of my favorite web links. My passions are Photography, Graphic design, and the co-mingling of the two.